Barbara Bailey, founder of Real Lifeworks, is a South-East Londoner who describes herself as an Intuitive Therapist. She is very much in tune with her spirituality and through her healing, can tune into and read the chakras of the body, thus providing clients with their own personal reading.
But it was by complete accident whilst working for the MD of a city finance company that Barbara was to discover that she had the natural gift of healing. As the company’s only qualified First Aider, the most common request was for pain killers/pick-me-ups for those who were worse for wear on the morning after! To compensate when supplies ran out, Barbara would often mess around by laying her hands on members of staff pretending to be a mystical healer but, to her surprise, they always felt much better!
Encouraged to take her healing seriously, a work colleague introduced her to the Church of St. Maryle-Bow in Cheapside. She completed a Spiritual Development and Healing course (1997) and became a spiritual healer for the church.
Barbara qualified as a Reiki & Seichem Master in 2004 and now runs accredited Workshops teaching Reiki & Seichem and Egyptian Cartouche healing systems that are accredited by the Reiki and Seichem Association (RASA) and also teaches Crystal & Chakra Balancing for beginners.
As well as offering healing, Barbara is also a qualified Complementary Therapist offering a range of Holistic Therapies, including Life Coaching and Soul Therapy (also known as Pyramid Soul Meditation), that benefit mind, body and soul to treat the ‘whole’ person.
Barbara is a warm and generous person who can relax and make people feel at ease, so say goodbye
to bad days and discover real solutions to stressful living, to what is holding you back. Please get in touch for your own personal development plan.